We are pleased to be able to welcome our swimmers back to lessons at Frederick Holmes School.
In order to keep each other safe, the following measures are in place:
- Please do not attend if you or anyone in your household has COVID symptoms (high temperature, new persistent cough, loss or change to taste/smell)
- Swimmers will be met at the entrance to the pool building
- Swimmers to be “beach ready” – i.e. wearing swimming costumes with loose over clothing or “onesy” – so no changing rooms to be used on entry
- One parent allowed per swimmer – face coverings to be worn and seats kept at a 2 metre distance
- Lessons will be 25 minutes long to allow for chairs and contact points to be disinfected
- If possible, we ask you not to use the changing rooms on leaving, but if required, please only use the Female room and only 2 bathers allowed at any one time
We would like to thank you all for your continued support.
If anyone has any further queries please get in touch